Saturday, June 28, 2008

Pre-launch site 2.0

Hosted License Management Platform integrated with Google Checkout for software publishers world wide to leverage it to manage the complete sales-life-cycle (SLC) over the web. Support the most common use of software products = Download => Try => Buy. Additionally, this platform is web services based so if publishers require a complex process - we support lease, perpetual, rent, trail options and much more.

Pre-launch is always a lot of work. There seems to be never enough time to get everything I want done. We are so close to launching the = total end-to-end software, web, mobile license management platform for publishers to use as a hosted solution or self-hosted, i.e. behind the publishers domain/firewall.

Need to get out e-mail communications to our investors, update business plans, formulate the final information for the site, test the release for production and while all this is going on, we are upgrading new release for with the most up to date version of licensing module.

One of the most challenging part of where we are is figuring out the messaging....our platform is so flexible and we can do so much with it, that its hard to communicate everything. We need to keep the information short to the point and then get publishers to see what else it can do over time.

We are still on target to launch the website for and the platform on July 4th, 2008. This will be a wonderful milestone for us to move this into production and start the marketing efforts.

Stay tuned on our progress as we find ways to help publishers make more money!!!

Anowar Shahjahan